Monday, April 23, 2007

The Search part one

The Search; a Science fiction Epic film that I started about three years ago, but was never finished. The film started out as a small concept, which grew into this massive epic. I loved the film -- But I fell short in energy in trying too finish it. The first thing I learned from this project is -- Don't try too take on a project of this size all by yourself. Especially an Animation project that is traditionally drawn at that. Anyway as time went on, I shelved the project and moved on to other things only too feel dejected in failure for not finishing the project. There was a ton of character concepts and designs done for the film. On this post I will present to you the viewer, those concepts and Artwork done for the Search. The Search post will be an ongoing post for awhile on this blog, so bare with me, because there was a ton of concept work done on this thing. I still have love for this project, for it is one of the hardest and longest projects I ever worked all by myself. Maybe one day I will go back to it.
Follow this link to see Deom Reel

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