Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Illustrations and Paintings

Hey guy's I just wanted to post some of my old painting on this post. Check them out.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Creature posing

Hey guys, I'm back with another post. I took this creature guy from the Maya learning tutorials and did a walk with him. From that walk I took out some of the poses and posted them on this blog. So check them out.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Figure Drawings

Follow this link to see my Doem reel

Hey I just wanted to post some of my figure.

Animated Cartoons Drawings

 Follow the Link to see my Deom Reel.
Hey guy's this is a new post. I 'm just going to post some of my cartoon work on this post. Check them out.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

"The Search" part six Props

Hey guys I'm back. This time with some weapon props from the movie. This particular weapon belongs too one of Munns side henchmen, "Twitch". Check it out. Follow the motion box link to check out some of my animation.